
Cogni Works is a digital platform that observes and measures people’s mental capacity. Human resource management and intellectual well-being could benefit from it. The cognitive capacities of the brain determine our behavior, personality, and performance in life and at work.

Our goal in CogniWorks is to design digital tasks that measure these functions in an individual’s brain. We all have some strengths and weaknesses. Our strengths should be emphasized and our weaknesses should be strengthened if we are to get balanced and move forward.

As employee performance directly affects the outcome of a company, human capital plays a critical role in a company’s success, especially in technology-based companies.

Our human resources can be engineered to make a group, department, or organization more powerful by optimizing its capacity.

There are two steps in this process. As a first step, we must assess, analyze, and determine our employees’ capital. We need to match the organizational position requirements with our group’s most qualified candidates. It is then necessary to enhance and empower people’s mental capabilities.

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change. Using this technique, we train your brain to create new neural networks, which means new learning and enhancement. As a result, your brain will enhance its functions and perform better.

Our Team

Kiarash Ilka

Co-founder and CEO

Parsa Asadi

Co-founder and CPO

Shohreh Shams

Co-founder and CMO